Thursday, January 17, 2008

Pod-ject Management

This is a rather casual post regarding podcasting. For project managers, there is a tremendous amount of excellent material (not all of it packaged under the title "project management, by the way) to be had.

If you've never tried listening to a podcast, you have very few excuses...
  • You don't need an MP3 Player (most sites allow you to play the audio right from your PC)
  • You don't need to pay money to subscribe to (most of) the podcasts
  • You don't need any special technical skills

Of course, they still aren't for everyone. I acknowledge that we all have differing preferences for communications - some of us are visual, some auditory, some kinesthetic, most of us a hodgepodge of the three. This comes under the topic of learning styles, probably deserving of a posting all of its own. In the meantime, you can check your own preferences here. But for convenience, the idea of catching up on PM information from what is effectively a radio broadcast, is a good one, and I suggest you take advantage of it.

Podcasts devoted to PM

There are several PM Podcasts which I'll list below. Check them out. The creators of these podcasts put a great deal of their own personal energy and passion into them - and it shows.

The PM Podcast

Controlling Chaos

PMThink! - (go to right side of blog)


The PMO Podcast

Insights for Project Managers

General Management/Business podcasts that have a propensity to talk PM

Manager Tools

The Cranky Middle Manager

Podcast Directories

Don't count on blogs to keep you up-to-date. If you do have an MP3 player or Winamp, the associated software can check for latest podcasts by topic. Stick in PMO or Project Management from time to time and see what's come on line. I also like Podcast Alley, and find it easy to use - you can listen to podcasts right from that site.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rich,

Love your site and your post about "pod-cast management"! Thanks for mentioning! Keep spreading the good word about Project Management!

Ron Holohan, MBA PMP
Host of the Project Management Podcast

Visit Exclaim! Project Management

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